I’ve kept a personal site since 2000, when I discovered Angelfire and taught myself HTML and CSS. My website was a creative outlet for me throughout high school, and for awhile I was even putting up a new site design every few weeks (truly cannot even imagine doing that nowadays). I’ve saved nearly every version of my site, and decided to put up a small archive of past layouts for your viewing pleasure.
While I’m extremely embarrassed by most of these sites, I love how they capture a moment in time, both of myself and of the internet. The original design and code are mostly intact, so you can view the source and see how nearly everything was absolutely positioned or built with an image map for awhile, and how garbage-y the CSS was. Despite how much I wanted to delete it, I’ve also kept most of the original writing :facepalm:
Best viewed on desktop at 800x600, of course.
Posted Oct 17, 2020