jh.com // archives


This is a small sampling of the dozens of personal sites I've made since I first learned HTML and CSS. I've kept a personal site since 2000, when I discovered Angelfire, Photoshop, image maps, and iframes. While I'm extremely embarrassed by most of these sites, I love how they capture a moment in time, both of myself and of the internet.

I've scrubbed all of the links, some identifying information, and subpages from these sites. I've otherwise kept the original design and code intact, except for cases in which the HTML or CSS was no longer valid and things weren't rendering correctly. Some images, iframes, and fonts don't work. Despite how much I wanted to delete it, I've also kept most of the original writing :facepalm:

Unsurprisingly, most of these are best viewed on desktop at 800x600.

enjoy! <3

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